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WE are the Front Line

Writer's picture: H.R. JohnsonH.R. Johnson

People of all faiths and those who do not believe in a divine creator…

People with more money than they need and those without a dime…

The very young and the very old…

This virus kills humans.

This virus doesn’t see borders, political parties, gender or wealth. No one is immune from the effects of this global pandemic. All of humanity is on the same team. (By the way, we always were.) I hope when this finally ends, humanity collectively takes stock and creates a better future. Before then, unfortunately, it’s gonna get a LOT worse before it gets better.

Dr. Hope is Vlogging his experiences working as a Doctor in the UK through this crisis. To paraphrase something he said that really stuck with me: “We’re not the front line. We are the last line. You all are the front line.” Really think about that. Take a moment and let it sink in. Soldiers all write a blank check for up to their life. All of humanity has just been drafted to serve. We ARE at war. I fear too many here in America have not yet realized that we are in a state of emergency.

We have only just begun to feel the loss that’s coming. Many are already grieving the loss of so much that we took for granted. We are grieving the loss of jobs, routines, places we can’t visit, trips that have been canceled, people we can’t hug, graduations and birthdays and other celebrations and traditions that can no longer be... Many are grieving lost loved ones.

Over 42,000 people have already died globally. Including almost 4,000 Americans. Those numbers will continue to rise and too quickly we will all begin to lose loved ones to this invisible killer. Not only will we be grieving the loss of human life but there will be other lasting costs. We are losing so much knowledge. So many jobs will need to be filled with no time for training. So many stories that will never be told.

WE are the front line. WE are in a state of emergency. WE have to start acting like it. We can print money. We can’t replace our loved ones. We collectively need to realize that there is a new ‘normal.’ At least for now. The hope in all this darkness is that as the front line, if we work together we can lessen the inevitable destruction.

If you are lucky enough to be safe at home, support those who must go out in any way you can. Educate yourself on how to stay safe and healthy in this crisis at home and at work. Food, water, shelter, electricity, and internet are essential. Getting your hair and nails done is not. As one Italian Mayor bluntly stated, no one will see it in a casket. Listen to what our last line, our medical professionals are telling us.

New York City brought in refrigerated trucks to serve as morgues. This is serious. This is real. Chances are, especially if we don’t flatten the curve, we are all about to lose someone we love. We are living through a moment that will be recorded in the global history books.

I am the front line. You are the front line. WE are all on the front line. Let’s start acting like it!

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