Let's take a look back at the art we created in July!
This was another month where I wasn't able to create as much as I would have liked. We finally figured out what was going on with my partner's health, but I still expended much of my energy caring for my spouse and taking care of things around the house. Then I had a thyroid crash. My body was aching and I wasn't able to create for another week.
I hope to get back into the swing of things soon. All of that being said, I don't have a lot to share, but I did work on a few things this past month.

First up, I delivered 20 hand colored heARTscapes for consignment at a store in one of the local malls!
A lot of work went into getting these ready. Hours and hours of coloring, plus some time preparing the packaging and display.
I'm really proud of how these turned out and I plan to offer more custom pieces like this soon.
There are no guarantees of course but having my art in a store at a mall means my art will be viewed by my largest audience ever! I'm really grateful I was able to take advantage of this opportunity.
Here is how I colored my free page for the month of July. You can get it here.

August's free printable is also already available! I haven't had a chance to color it yet, but you can download it here.
Please tag me on social media so I can see your completed creations!
I'll post my completed page for this month soon, so follow me over on Facebook and Instagram to see it when it's done!
I also spent a little bit of time this past month on some art prompt challenges. Each of these drawings were completed in 1.5 hours or less and based on prompts given by Twitch chats on both my channel and other creators' chats.
I haven't shared these on social media so you're getting some behind the scenes stuff that hasn't been seen by many people.
As always, there are other thumbnails, drafts, and sketches that I haven't shared. Either they are just for practice or for other projects that are still in the works and not ready to debut.
Anywho... Thank you for making it all the way to the end!
Please leave me a like or a comment so that I know you were here. I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the art or words I've shared.
Thanks again for reading!
See you around the Internetlands soon!